Fifth age of middle earth
Fifth age of middle earth

The astute reader may have already worked out how this is possible. Yet there is far more information to be gleaned from Tolkien’s writings, and incredibly, we are able to pinpoint all the events in The Lord of the Rings to the exact day. So far, using the Theosophical data, we have been able to determine the first year of each age of Middle-earth. We can now, without further ado, peg the first year of each age of Middle-earth as follows (the First Age will be dealt with later): The chances of Tolkien hitting on this number by accident are astronomical, especially when in both the Middle-earth mythology and Theosophical doctrine this period is opened by the submergence of a huge landmass, and is closed by the beginning of something called the ‘Fourth Age’. The maths is simple – Beleriand was destroyed in the final year of the First Age, the Second Age lasted 3441 years, and the Third Age lasted 3020 years (plus a couple of months or so). Now it turns out that the sinking of Beleriand (not Númenor) is separated from the beginning of the Fourth Age of Middle-earth by precisely the same time span, 6462 years.

fifth age of middle earth fifth age of middle earth

These two events, therefore, are separated by 6462 years. Much later, the Kali Yuga (or Fourth Age of the present World Cycle) began in 3102 BC.

fifth age of middle earth

According to Theosophical doctrine, the last vestige of the once mighty continent of Atlantis sank beneath the waves in 9564 BC.

Fifth age of middle earth